
About Bélu

Vojtech Botoš (1994), known as Bélu, is a young performer on the viola on the Slovak music scene. He has had a relationship with music since he was born. He comes from a family with a deep musical tradition. At the age of six, he began studying violin in Rimavská Sobota. He switched to the viola at the age of fourteen, where he was taught and lovingly guided by his grandfather Vojtech Botoš, who gave him the basics of Slovak and Hungarian folk music.

His musical education continued at the Ján Levoslav Bella Conservatory in Banská Bystrica in the class of Mgr. Dušan Radič and later at the Academy of Arts in Banská Bystrica under the direction of doc. Zuzana Bouřová ArtD. During her studies she has had many successful competitions and participation in international competitions. He has attended various international masterclasses in solo, chamber and orchestral playing at home and abroad under the guidance of such personalities as Prof. Jürgen Weber, Juan-Miguel Hernandez, Milan Radič, Lakatos György, Mohácsi Gyula, Veronika Lenártová and many others.

Collaboration with important international artists such as: Snétberger Ferenc, Denis Kozhukin, Pavel Šporcl, Róby Lakatos, Hosszú Géza-Legocky, Matej Arendárik, Konstantin Ilievsky, Manuša ensemble.

Bélu is currently a member of the Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra and a sought-after violist not only in classical music, but also in other musical genres: Slovak and Hungarian folklore, music of minority nationalities, which he presents in various ensembles with prominent performers at home and abroad on international stages and on CDs.

Vojtech Bélu Botoš - portrait of the violist in the photo studio.